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Client Relations and Laboratory Management

The need for qualified managers in the profession has long been identified as one of the top five issues impacting the dental laboratory industry. NADL University was developed to meet those growing educational needs of today's dental laboratory managers. The in-person program allows eligible professionals to earn a Certificate in Dental Laboratory Management during an intensive course of study. While NADL U graduates attest that the three-day interactive educational experience was invaluable, NADL recognizes that not everyone has the opportunity to attend the meeting. In response, NADL U has now come to you. 

This course was recorded in 2015 and is now available for online streaming. Upon purchase, you will have 30 days of access to the course.

Course Description

By understanding your clients, you can strategically customize your products, processes and services to develop a relationship that is less susceptible to competitive pressures and is more profitable. You will learn the value of moving from a commodity-based business model to a service-based model. Best of all, you will walk away with solutions to common dentist-laboratory problems and concerns.

Requirements for Course Completion

Participants will view the three-hour video. There is no required test to receive credit for this course.


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive three hours of Professional Development through the National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology (NBC).

Credit Information

Activity Number Credit Amount Accreditation Period
38366 3 Professional Development from February 26, 2019