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Online Course

SafeLink: HIPAA Privacy Official and Security Official Responsibilities

The safeguards established to protect patient health information under the HIPAA Act includes the appointment of individuals who will establish, monitor, and update the privacy and security policies and procedures.
Online Course

SafeLink: Safely Managing Silica Exposure for Dentistry

Silica is present in many products used in dentistry and now there’s strong evidence the former exposure limits do not adequately protect worker health. In response, for the first time in 40 years, OSHA has issued new silica standards.
Online Course

SafeLink: The Basics of FDA’s Title 21 Course

This course provides general knowledge of FDA requirements for the dental laboratory. FDA requires that all dental labs implement a Quality Management System.
Online Course

SafeLink: Top 5 Safety Compliance Issues Employers Need to Know

Are you opening a new business, purchasing an existing business, or evaluating your current business regulatory compliance program? If so, then this course will help you with your due diligence checklist.
Online Course

SafeLink: Using Your Lab Quality System to Reduce External and Internal Remakes

The effectiveness of your dental lab Quality System can be measured in many ways, but the primary factor is how you reduce customer complaints. Documenting them is required, however, how you follow through with corrective action is the determining factor for reducing the dental lab cost of remakes.
Online Course

Simplified Anterior Esthetics

In this video, Peter Pizzi, MDT demonstrates a technique for managing space when creating multiple restorations for anterior aesthetics.
Online Course

Smooth Flowing

This presentation discusses how to implement smooth-flowing, well-organized business systems that fit your dental clients' needs.
Online Course

Social Media Marketing for Dental Laboratories

Discover the importance of having a thoroughly cultivated online presence, as well as how to pinpoint the key online areas you should focus on when marketing your laboratory. Learn how to maximize your ROI by combining traditional print advertising with the latest online strategies and tools.
Online Course

State of the Industry Panel

This panel discusses the major issues facing the dental laboratory technology profession including offshore, CAD/CAM technology and recruiting trained and educated dental laboratory technicians. Panelists include Don Cornell, Greg Harris and Richard Harbaugh.
Online Course

Succession Planning

Most business owners do a great job in establishing and building their business but are disappointed when it comes time to reap the rewards. In this session, Larry Weiss, CPA will discuss the basics of succession planning and how to build wealth.