How Utilizing Key Performance Indicators and Visual Daily Production Boards can Help Your Laboratory Run Smoother and More Profitably

This course provides the knowledge and tools to build KPI’s and Visual Daily Production Boards for your laboratory. Implementing these will simplify the management of your laboratory workflow and align your team on the goals and measurements of success. Alignment and smoother workflow will allow you to better serve your customers and their patients.

Upon purchase, you will have 30 days of access to the course.

Requirements for Course Completion

This video will be available through your NADL Learner Community for 30 days from your purchase date and will expire after that time. There is no required quiz to receive credit for this course. These credits will be automatically submitted to NBC. 


This course has been approved by the NBC for 1 Hour of Professional Development Credit for CDTs/RGs. 

Credit Information

Activity Number Credit Amount Accreditation Period
41007 1 Professional Development from March 11, 2021